Sunday 10 October 2010

Gee-Bee Chick

So, now what? I'm on that Fleecebook thing as Gee-Bee Chick, thinking that no one would know me and I wouldn't have any friends, but oh no, as soon as I got logged in about 300 names were listed for me to select my 'friends'. Scarily, most of these names were people I was at school with. How do 'they' know who Gee-Bee Chick is for goodness sake? Anyway, I've got A Page now, don't know what to do with it, don't know how to direct you to it (not that there's anything on there to look at, cos I've got a blog for that) but I'll see how useful it can be in the future. I'd better keep an eye on the hit counter and see what happens....

So welcome to any of you who have popped over here from over there, feel free to browse around, hit the archives and see what you've been missing. Please also feel free to leave a comment and let me know you've been here.


Gorgeous Biker Chick said...

Oh, right, well, this is working then!

Anonymous said...

So "Gee-Bee", don't go and get so busy over "there" with your 300 new "friends" and forget your old pals here...just kidding of course. My friend with the 500 friends over there...tells me she got 150 e-mails recently...good griefous...too much's scares us ol' timers. Hairy Larry

Bantam Cub said...

Have you got sheep on Facebook? Don't use it myself, but I'm told that some people run farms on Facebook. Gee-Bah Chick maybe?


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